Windhorse Farm at 129 Sarty Road, in New Germany

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About Windhorse Farm

The Windhorse Farm is a Canadian national Real estate company located in New Germany, Nova Scotia. To figure out why customers choose Windhorse Farm and to assess the reputation of the company, check the latest reviews on this page. Also, you can add your own review with the latest experience of cooperation with this company.

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  • 1
    Sabrina Kormann
    Posted Mar, 23 2019
    My father and I wanted to go away for Easter Weekend. We were looking for a quiet and comfortable retreat that would provide a good base for day hiking and evening relaxation.

    In addition to being one of the few non-hotel places open during the off season, Windhorse Farm had great online and word-of-mouth reviews. We were especially excited about the sauna. The staff that took our booking seemed friendly and helpful. We booked Will's Cabin for 2 nights, at $93/night ($107 with tax).

    Given the information available on the Windhorse Farm website, what were were told by employees, and the off-season price of our accommodations, we were not prepared for the primitive nature of the facilities.

    - Cabin was not accessible by vehicle. It is accessed by a rough foot path ~10 min uphill from the office, rendering any luggage that cannot be carried on ones back or shoulders - such as a full cooler or rolling suitcase - impractical.
    - Cabin is not serviced by electricity or running water
    - Cabin is much smaller and darker than it appears in pictures.
    - Nearby bathroom facility is an outhouse in the trees, accessed by a narrow unlit path.
    - Shower and standard toilet, running water, and ice for cooler is by office; guests are responsible for refilling and carrying 10 L water jugs and ice to their cabin.

    Windhorse Farm advertises a philosophy of sustainability, generosity, and efficiency. But we felt that they were cheap and dirty, and the staff was lazy and unhelpful, and that these philosophies were used as excuses for standards that would otherwise be unacceptable in the service industry.

    - Mantles in the 3 propane lights were old and incorrectly installed, which meant that they did not provide adequate light. The lady working there observed and commented on this, but did not offer to replace them. (It turned out she didn't know how, and that they did not have enough replacement mantles.)
    - We were told the cooler in the cabin would be stocked with ice packs. It was not. The lady told us we could get them at the farmhouse by the office, but had failed to put them there well enough in advance and they were not frozen.
    - Kitchen utensils were very old, worn, and of poor quality. The pot was encrusted with old food, and the cast iron pan reeked of fish. The cabin did not have the equipment necessary to properly clean cast-iron cookware.
    - Kitchen basics such as a coffee maker (ie filter or french press) or salt were not provided.
    - One of the water jugs leaked too heavily to be used.
    - The propane tank valve had not been opened in advance. It was almost empty, and the spare had already been given away. (We initially thought that we had run out of propane when we could not light the stove.)
    - The sauna lacks a spot to change or to rinse oneself off before and after use. The pond intended for swimming and cooling off had about two feet of dirty water and a thick accumulated layer of mud and decaying organic matter.

    My father and I were very much looking forward to our stay at Windhorse Farms. Furthermore, I had hoped it could be a location for future trips with friends and school groups. However, after one night and the accumulation of so many small disappointments and inconveniences, we realized that we were dreading returning to and spending more time at our lodgings.

    We found a waterfront hotel with harbour views in Lunenburg whose daily rate was less than what we were paying for Will's Cabin. We decided to spend our remaining time there. When we informed the lady at Windhorse Farms of our intention to cut our stay in half, she simply responded with "OK", seemingly uncaring of why we would chose to leave. We were not refunded for our second night.

    My Father and I were very disappointed with the quality of service and amenities at Windhorse Farm. We also felt ripped off. (For $100/night, it shouldn't be necessary to make an emergency trip to Canadian Tire for a lamp and other camping gear.) In the off-season, these accommodations should not be maximum $40/night.

    (Review also on Yelp and Tripadvisor.)
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